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Everything posted by hornytwells

  1. This is Marc Dylan-lots of info on him here
  2. I emailed him very politely and got no response, am trying texting today to see if any more luck
  3. Yes, he may be considered such but that doesn't mean he will be my type. Brad Pitt is considered very good looking but does nothing for me.....on the other hand I used to have a crush on Jason Alexander from Seinfeld.... (can imagine the reactions of those reading this, lol) so to each his own etc!
  4. damn-another one sent to tempt me, totally my type.........
  5. He is in a few Joe Gage sex files videos from NYC and also has appeared on NY straight guys-I get he is not porn model body perfect but he appeals to me!
  6. Love this guy Tony, who I think is NYC based and has done some porn-anyone know if he escorts?
  7. Aaargh, stop posting pics of new hot masseurs for me to try, LOL! This guy pushes all my buttons, but I was trying to economise and cut back on treats.............(kidding, post away.......)
  8. Hahah the ad is down already........
  9. $500 for outcall, is he charging $100 for each foot in height?>!
  10. pics are stunning.....would that it were him......
  11. Agreed, but Peter will send you a face pic if you ask him
  12. actually I find him super cute in that pic.....to each their own I guess.
  13. They do it in the hope that if you find them handsome enough you will still go through with the meeting as you are already there and horny.
  14. Yes, totally, and doubly so for me as he looks like my (straight) trainer that I have a crush on! is he a Chaosmen model, wondering where I can find more of him?
  15. which one is Declan, the guy being massaged?
  16. me too-he appears to be in NYC again?
  17. there is a lot of info on him here already-very mixed reactions
  18. Have never been for that very reason-for that amount you could have a great time just hiring someone! I guess it might be a fun way to check out potential hires, but lap dances never do much for me, and since they seem to be semi-public here the appeal for me is even less. Anyone here who is a fan?
  19. Agreed-wish he would come to NYC
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