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Buff Daddy

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Everything posted by Buff Daddy

  1. I checked their Twitter Account and they are open Thursday-Saturday nights, but they haven't posted anything since December. I would give them a call to make sure.
  2. Yes the old banks. The days when you had a savings book,.You gave the teller your money and she had to put in a machine that recorded your transaction. If the machine wasn't working they did it manually. No worries then about cyber crime or anyone stealing your money out of the account.
  3. Howard Johnson's and the Gaiety what a treat!
  4. Yes I went to Catholic School and you are correct.
  5. Oh. And Mother's didn't work!. They stayed home and raised the kids. Every mother was home in my neighborhood except the lunch lady at school LOL. Also in NY most everything was closed on a Sunday. Just the bakery candy stores and one pharmacist a Mom and Pop operation were open on a Sunday.
  6. Who remembers Gimbel's,Gertz, Korvetts, Montgomery Ward. John bargain stores. Maybe these were only stores in NY ?‍♂️
  7. Who remembers Woolworth ?. Sitting at the lunch counter and having a malted or ice cream ?. The place had wooden floors that Creaked and the store smelled like mothballs. And outside the store they had the pony rides for I believe 10 cents. What a bunch of old Queens we have become.
  8. Getting smacked around by the Dominican sisters in Catholic School. Going to 9am Sunday Mass and you had to sit with your class or else!. Not allowed to eat meat on a Friday or you were going to hell!. Old Italian Ladies wearing black all the time, because of a death in the family. Subway tokens. Schwinn bikes with the banana seats. Walking to the candy store and buying cigarettes for my grandfather at age 10. And walking all by myself. Could you imagine that today! Playing with marbles.
  9. He looks ?. Buffdaddy will have to look into him.
  10. Soon we won't have to leave our homes. Work from home. School from home. You shop from home. I'm hearing that you will be able to let's say bring Macy's right into your house like a hologram.Who remembers going to a theater to watch porn?. Robots in the future will be so life like they will replace escorts!. No place to hide anymore.
  11. Yes I would like to know that also?.
  12. Buff Daddy


    Buffboyz Lounge@nudemaledancers
  13. Buff Daddy


    That's him and other pics of him on my Twitter. That pic was taken a couple of days ago.
  14. Buff Daddy


    Zachary Country will be in Manhattan Sunday night. Email me if you're interested. buffboyzzentertainment@gmail.com
  15. Guys email me for Zachary. buffboyzzentertainment@gmail.com
  16. Hi guys Zachary Country in NY Long Island. He has done work with Men.Com, Corbin Fisher and Slowteasinghandjobs. Live this Sunday January 3 at Buffboyz lounge. Email me if interested. buffboyzzentertainment@gmail.co
  17. So sorry to hear. I know someone who is battling this disease. After all this time you would think we would have a better handle on it.
  18. I grew up in a mostly Italian neighborhood. My mother would curse in Italian lol. Then there was the famous wooden ? spoon, broom with the ladies stocken wrapped around the bristles that we got hit with. My Father had a couple of sayings that to this day I still use with friends I know. He is a real Mamaluke. He forbid us to go on the subway to the Bronx, called it a real shit hole. Sound familiar lol. A line I use with the dancers. Slow Nickels are better than fast dollars. Yes the good old days.
  19. Rest in peace ?️ my friend. I never had the chance to meet him. But I do remember reading his posts. In this business Im in I meet many wonderful people Always coming to the events, answering emails, bringing there friends to see the boys. Then all of a sudden they stop coming. I send a email but no answer. It's a shame. Many of us spend so much time with one another but never think that if something happens that the family or whoever they leave in charge has no idea of the friends from the strip clubs. We are never called, or able to attend a wake or funeral, say our last goodbyes. How many of you have experienced this?.
  20. Buffdaddy agrees. Lots of ? guys from Columbia I noticed. I see he is in Boston?. I love neck tats!?
  21. Duane is a good guy. He has worked my events many times. I recommend him. We follow one another on Twitter. ?
  22. Are the dancers nude on stage?. Sounds like the old days at the Gaiety. No touching, and leave your tip money on the stage. Stale pretzels or potato chips in a bowl and another bowl would have punch. I guess better than nothing. Lap dances I assume are prohibited?
  23. Plus LI. I clean the club before and during the night. Plus we did Hepa Filters. Plus we have plenty of room for social distancing. All very important to run these events.
  24. Hi. What days are they open?. Thanks BD.
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