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Everything posted by secgoo

  1. Because I feel like I've got a really hot provider at an unfair rate that I haven't told you all about (or him)
  2. Maybe he does, the reaction I get from providers is generally very positive. I don't know. I think you guys are right though, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll just have to tip.
  3. Well I am a nice guy really but don't tell anyone because I'm trying to let my reputation as a big docked, rough dominant top spread 😝🤪🤣
  4. I'm glad I asked in that way because I'm the type of guy who would gladly welcome that kind of feedback and advice from friends.
  5. Good call in the tip. "Sitting him down" does sound wrong. Perhaps I miss-characterised that intent but from the sounds of you and @pubic_assistance it seems like broaching the subject at all is insulting which is the total opposite of what I wanted to do.
  6. Oh that's a really interesting perspective. Although the quote marks around the word educate aren't really reflective of what's going on in my head. I think that's why I said "clue him up", as in let him know he could get way more if he wants. If you got really friendly with a local restauranteur who was significantly undercharging his customers, having never been in the restaurant business (presumably) would you suggest he could put his prices up?
  7. I have a provider that I really like. He's not in the country at the moment but hopefully will be back soon. The thing is, he's really under charges. And I mean REALLY under charges. We started meeting for 2 hours for £200 but, after a few meetings he ended up staying for more than 2 hours, chilling on the sofa playing or snuggling in bed etc. I've never mentioned his profile identity on this site because I feel like I'm taking advantage of him, he's so sweet, fit, attentive, attractive, passionate, spunky and horny all at the same time there's no way he should only be charging clients this rate. When he comes back I feel the need to have a sit down with him and clue him up to what he should be charging. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? What would you do if you had a horny 24 year old who was under charging you?
  8. I have a provider that had a difficult personal situation to deal with. I told him I won't contact him for a few weeks while he attended to his personal life. He said he thinks of us more like friends and to please do stay in touch which really melted my heart. I really like this guy but I'm conscious that I'm a client and I don't want to encroach on his private life. He has casually dismissed that sentiment when I've mentioned it to him previously but I want to stay realistic even if I am delusional about my intention to marry him 😝 Should he choose it, he should be able to cut ties with me and this work whenever he wants. This is a job, not an obligation.
  9. secgoo

    Hornick in NYC

    He's been in London for a long long time. Never met him but his profile isn't a sudden thing
  10. Was he in London for a while? I see he did an only fans shoot with Aidan Ward/Apex Aidan that was totally hot (if only the third guy wasn't there lol).
  11. Marioafonso - Male Escort, Gay massage - Neuchatel | Rent.Men RENT.MEN Marioafonso Gay Escort in Neuchatel, Switzerland, available for Gay Escorting,Erotic Massage,Bodywork. |... The pictures are clearly pornstar Griffin Barrows but the text mentions nothing about that. An obvious fake? If not, I'm moving to Switzerland.
  12. I know a very small amount of information about his personal life outside the sex industry. I've obviously made conclusions from that small amount of info but I think they're right.
  13. No not expecting any names, just reflections on past experiences
  14. I really don't know. I treated myself to a whiskey or two last night. I can't remember the intention of the post. I've deleted it.
  15. So there's been a post recently about a providers profile that didn't have a face picture in it. Ok, I understand that that this industry carries a lot of stigmatisation and what's put on the internet is "forever" but there's a practical side of these arrangements that what's being advertised (and subsequently traded) is largely based on physical appearance. Questions to Providers (thank you for your service by the way 😘) :- Do you include a face pic in your adverts? Why (either yes or no)? Questions to clients:- what's your typical reaction to adverts without face pictures?
  16. Hey Vin My "typical" guy is late 20's to mid 30's (I'm a 40-something-year-old). My favourite non-provider guy is 39 and my favourite provider guy is 36, both out of my "typical" range... It's waaaaay too early for you to be contemplating using finite language. You clearly have a amorous following. H orses for courses my good man. Horses for courses!
  17. So there's a provider that I've never mentioned these forums that I would gladly hire again despite the fact that on the one and only time that I have met him is was a disappointing meeting. In short, the environment was not discreet/private (I only found out that he had housemates (who had guests over at the time) when I was already on my way) and additionally, he had "stomach issues" part way through the booking which meant he had to stop bottoming and couldn't draw things to a conclusion (excuse the euphemism, you know what I mean). Despite these two clearly waved red flags, and the fact that his rates are 50% higher than the average; given the opportunity, I would jump at the chance to hire him again under some more defined circumstances. I don't want to name and shame the particular provider because although I had a lame experience with him as a client, I do believe that he's a lovely person and has a beautiful soul. Who have you had an experience with that didn't quite meet expectations but, given a second chance to redeem themselves would hopefully exceed requirements?
  18. Tracicus - Male Escort, Gay massage - London | Rent.Men RENT.MEN Tracicus Gay Escort in London, United Kingdom, available for Gay Escorting,Erotic Massage,Bodywork. |... One of my first and a thoroughly beautiful man, inside and out.
  19. He needs to get to London
  20. You're his client, not his social worker. Back away. However, with that said, there are two providers that I am very fond of and I would help them out with their personal lives (and I don't mean sex life) in any way they wanted/needed. I have known these two providers for a long time now and one has said on multiple occasions that he thinks of our "relationship" more like friends than provider/client. From the sound of your post you've met the provider once and he's asking for unusual stuff. That screams of red flags to me. He needs to know that he's selling a product (himself) and a service and if he's going to be successful in the industry he needs to not get involved with clients further unless he's actually built up a decent relationship with them.
  21. secgoo

    Bill_L in London

    I'm glad he doesn't bottom because I would seriously fall for him
  22. See the thread on Mr. Number
  23. Well you're the third person on this site that he's blackmailed then
  24. The thought of a provider jumping from one "engagement" straight to me doesn't quite feel right. However, sometimes people are late. I'm fairly chill about that kinda thing. Of course, if a sub from Grindr is late, well that's different and it earns one firm spanking with the paddle for each minute past the agreed time 😝
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