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Everything posted by lanyc

  1. He's back in NYC. Anyone have any non-tattoo-related info? Thanks.
  2. Plus... though he lists "BF experience," he doesn't list "kissing." Seems a little standoffish for a boyfriend...
  3. Yes, handsome as hell. It ends there. Arrogant times eleven. Arrived astoundingly late. Barely let me touch him. And visa versa. However, he IS very good at looking at himself in the mirror for an hour. In other words, nope.
  4. lanyc

    411 Daviboyw

    Any extra info on him...?
  5. Thoughts? It's a new account. And... oof. https://rentmen.eu/Modelfit
  6. Was it a rushed situation? Did it last a full hour at least...?
  7. Hold it... he's in it for the money...? Is that a thing with these guys?
  8. Still no qualitative notes about this guy... thoughts?
  9. Speaking of crime.... is that a tracking bracelet on his ankle...?
  10. lanyc

    Andrew NYC

    One of the most disinterested, lackluster "massages" ever. I felt dumb, like I was annoying him.
  11. His "preferences" seem to be kinda limited, no...?
  12. Have a link to Easy Tiger...?
  13. First thing I noticed about NYC Spaniard was that he uses the 18th Street subway station. Who uses the 18th Street subway station...?
  14. (Which is why it's so helpful to put the city in the headline...! I'll click on something and suddenly I'm in Tennessee.) (Ugh, no offense to Tennessee-ians.)
  15. Okay... I'll bite... what are his music choices...?
  16. Bump. (His videos are pretty great...)
  17. lanyc


    Link to said hot vids...?
  18. Lots of pictures and videos... still no idea what he looks like...
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