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Posts posted by tedbear

  1. I have taken a break from Daddy’s for several years now, mainly for financial reasons, and tonight I just decided to check it out again. I was so saddened to learn of the passing of Daddy. He meant so much to so many.

    Daddy’s Reviews helped me, a retired fairly successful businessman who was a shy as I could be when it comes to dating, at least have “Boyfriend Experiences.” It helped build my confidence and reduce my shyness (somewhat). I am indebted to both Hooboy and to Daddy.

  2. >There were similarities with the virus that caused the 1918

    >flu pandemic, in which more than 40m people died, WHO noted.


    People think that an epidemic like the one caused by the "Spanish Flue" in 1918-21 couldn't happen today with our modern medicine. But back then, some people would leave work when they first felt sick and would be dead before they arrived at home. There were storied of four women playing cards one night, and three of them became sick and died before the night ended. How could today's medicine combat that except with a vaccine?


    Over 25% of Americans were ill with the disease. Worldwide, 20 million people died in four months. In one Eskimo settlement in Alaska, 80% of the adults died. Although none of my direct ancestors died, many of their families died. One of my ancestors with a family with 18 children had all but 5 of them die due to the Spanish flu!

  3. Don't Argue with a Troll[/b]...They are very set in

    >their ways, They get very angry very fast. When they get

    >angry they play. on.


    I once hung around a forum for Macintosh users which had more than it's share of trolls. We found arguing or even replying to them only made them worse. Someone finally suggested we just change the subject. So, it was announced that whenever someone began flaming, someone should just begin discussing pizza.


    It was incredibly effective, however it confused the holy heck out of anyone who was in on the joke. ;-)

  4. Last July, I called a masseur, Pete who advertised as a bear masseur. Absoultely great massage. He encouraged me to touch and he gave me a bit of a hand job, but at that point I was so v*e*r*y relaxed, I really wasn't into it, so we stopped. But the massage was just what I needed and what I wanted. And it was still very very sensual. In fact, I almost shot when he massaged my feet and toes. Never realized how much I was into my feet before!

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