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Everything posted by Karamel40

  1. I will have to google the difference? Give me both. 🙃
  2. Looking for a good masseuse that offers strong erotic massages in LA & PS.
  3. The guy I ended up using was quite disappointing but he was nice so I won’t post it here. DM if want to know more. 😓
  4. Headed to Vegas again tomorrow. Any verified/trusted recommendations for masseurs? Race, age, size is not super important, it just depends on how it is all put together, for me.
  5. I believe the downtown spa is permanently closed.
  6. Thank you. I needed reassurance, primarily. It was the provider that made me research. Asking to be picked up from the airport, etc. So, hanging out or hiring for massage is totally legal, right?
  7. I was under the impression rentmen services were legal in Las Vegas. Recently, I needed a massage badly. One guy who noticed I visited their profile began messaging me. When I arrived to the area he asked if I could pick him up from the airport & he would stay the night & other things I never mentioned. Suspicious….It prompted me to delve further into the legalities in Vegas. Discovered escorts have to have some form of card or business backing them & brothels cannot be in counties with more than 700,000 ppl making it illegal in Vegas. All that said…is it safe to get a massage from Rentmen in Vegas? And wb Cali? How do I ensure I am staying within the confines of the law w/o freaking the guy out?
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