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Posts posted by Lucas

  1. 31 minutes ago, Wolfer said:

    I have a similar experience to the other poster, though, and have found it not to be complete nonsense. I too avoid profiles that have these words in them. I've found that the more "exclusive" and "high class" the profile claims to be, the worse the service is. 

    I'm not saying this is the case for every single profile that uses these words, but there's enough experiences from different clients to at least take notice and be cautious around them. 

    That is fair enough :)

  2. 7 minutes ago, guru68 said:

    We all make judgments based on our perceptions and experience - including yourself, by your own comments. 

    Yes. True. We are all humans. Including myself yes. However I can admit to being wrong. 

  3. On 5/27/2023 at 1:21 PM, FrankR said:

    You learn very quickly that when a profile inludes words like “VIP, prince, king, Adonis, model, exclusive” your experience will likely be sub-par. I avoid them. 

    No offense but that is complete non sense. Do not judge book by its cover and people who do not know/have not met :)

    Cheers x

  4. On 5/27/2023 at 12:24 PM, Youngin4Massage said:

    Tried to set something up with him in London, but when he offered some times outside the window I inquired about, I told him I'd have to let him know. At some point between our messaging, I ended up booking a West End show, and told him we should try for the follow day. He replied with a multi-message tirade about me being a flake and time waster that that I was wasn't prioritizing him lol. Said he'd flag my number on RM or some nonsense like that. Oh well, may have dodged a bullet. Hope others have had more pleasant interactions / experiences with him :) Something seems off with him. 

    Hope you are well.

    This is me Petit Prince/Laurent... You have to understand that us escorts get so many random messages and most are from people that we do not end up meeting. And it can get very frustrating to deal with. 

    For some reasons I must have flagged you as a time waster, maybe you have bailed/cancelled before.. Maybe you had been texting me a lot and never met and so on... Anyway could be a lot of things.

    But of course sometimes I am wrong and my feeling is wrong. It has happened a few times before, I have met people I had flagged as potential time wasters.

    I am curious to know who you are :)

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