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Everything posted by Andy768

  1. A friend of mine had one of these years ago, and I loved it and thought it was super cool. But only used it while I stayed with her - so maybe once or twice and can't speak of any long-term experience.
  2. Aww Delpo... And to take it to the less wholesome, as I am wont to do: wow, the thought of gentle giant Juan Martin having his way with Fed... I like it. 😈
  3. Congrats to Carlitos! Would love for Alcaraz to take the reins and usher in a new era of men's tennis! And he's really still barely more than a kid. Will be interesting to see how he develops - both in his tennis and just physically.
  4. Kyrgios v Khachanov is going the distance...
  5. I've long thought Richard was adorable. That he seems so willing to bend over for all the tour alphas makes him even more so. Ruud v Barrettini is an easy choice for me: I'll take the Italian sausage. Kyrgios will be a big hurdle for Medvedev to overcome. Nick seems to have had his number in their priors. They're in a first set tiebreak right now.
  6. Yeah, wow, that's a pretty astounding change over such a short time period!
  7. Apologies to the mods if this would be more appropriate for the Spanking/Fetishes forum. Poor Richard... I miss Fed too! He's my fave! 😍
  8. Matteo Barrettini could be in the mix too. And he's a cutie to boot. I'm pulling for Rafa.
  9. Horrible day for the Bel Ami boys at the Open today; Coric, Coria, Dimitrov, and Hurkacz all lost. 😭
  10. Vegas is the actual city that never sleeps.
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