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Everything posted by bichiguy

  1. I assume it rarely happens but an ending that left me smiling did happen once years ago. And another former staff member who left to do his own thing gave his card -- again years ago but he was on MF and the extras did happen.
  2. Anyone have info. Wonder if there was a name change, info in ad is minimal, and when they don't list therapeutic as well massage is usually crappy BUT DAMN but those pics! https://rentmasseur.com/Yefri
  3. Fucking cute but 55 pictures and one just a tip of the cock...I giggle when there are way to many pics of the same thing, then laugh at myself because I click through every g-damn one.
  4. ugh what bs - sorry you went through that. Love your detective work though. I've been told I look 10 years younger then I am but who cares, you book a client you get what you get. Send him a note asking if he's in better shape then those pics he has posted lol
  5. You should expect a similar experience. Both very nice guys. Both greet you in a towel and that does not stay on. Julian is more cut and I feel gives a better massage but Trevor is more personable and seems a bit more open to interaction. You will leave happy and should give him a try. Julian recommends him as well. Trevor seems to have a full time job and massage so he works a lot -- maybe a weekend appointment is better to get him fresher.
  6. over the years I have had a couple of massages with vary degree of chatter and extra "engagement". I wouldn't roll the dice or try to book again but he was always nice and went all out to make me happy last time I saw him (6?? years ago)
  7. that is all so...weird? Thanks for info. Seems like pass in general for me but maybe it's a good massage.
  8. IMO the name is awful, the rate is good, and liked the pics enough. Amy info? I assume he was somewhere else under a different name. https://rentmasseur.com/FriskyFuzzyFox
  9. Hey all, Curious if anyone has experience with ReikiJames in Chicago. He posted new pics, only has one review. https://rentmasseur.com/ReikiJames
  10. I recommend both also: Cesar (if he's taking new clients) https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/25241/ Italiandanish https://rentmasseur.com/italiandanishman Ross https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/41369/
  11. Chicago, both nude, pics 100% accurate, one of the best / in shape of masseurs I have seen.
  12. ever since I can remember nude, MT and HE...as for interactive I assume YMMV but we can swap notes after 5 years of seeing him haha. I can say he's a super nice nice guy, amazing body and gives a really good massage - goes deep then mixes with a sensual light touch.
  13. Andrew was very friendly, upfront about services in email. He did share other pics and asked if I minded to share. When he saw mine he was more flirty. Session/expectation good but ended 10 minutes too soon. Just because I may be done, massage my feet or something, I paid for an hour LOL
  14. I thought the massage was fine. Strictly therapeutic. Didn't really click with him, wouldn't repeat but assume more on me then him.
  15. Very knowledgeable from a massage stand point which I appreciate and agree very warm, welcoming guy. I think strictly therapeutic may be a case by case basis, or familiarity stand point.
  16. Sorry too late for this but is worth the money. Very built, great massage and in my experience the more you book, the more interactive sessions become.
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