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Everything posted by musclestuduws

  1. It seems the ad is gone. Just found this thread so I never saw his photos but I looked at other ads on Mintboys. Got a laugh or two noticing that under each ad you read “View or Live a Review.” Classy platform. 🤣
  2. Schoenberg’s Gurrelieder is one of the greatest vocal-symphonic works in the history of classical music. Truly earth shattering when you experience a live performance. Great to know that the performance at SOH was so successful. It is rarely done because of the huge logistics it demands. They’re doing it at Carnegie Hall this weekend too. Unfortunately I cannot go. https://www.carnegiehall.org/Calendar/2024/03/22/American-Symphony-Orchestra-0800PM The work has a fascinating reception history. It was not premiered until 1913. By then, Schoenberg had moved on and was writing atonal music. The premiere was a huge success and the audience gave Schoenberg a standing ovation. Critics who had rejected his more recent atonal works were suddenly won over by a work he had written almost 12 years earlier and published rave reviews extolling his artistic genius. At the concert, Schoenberg refused to acknowledge the audience’s applause, disappointed and somehow angry because music that no longer represented him was so well received, implicitly rejecting his atonal music yet again. Fascinating to think about an artist who gets widespread acclaim for a style he had long abandoned while his current work is despised by the very same audience and critics.
  3. He’s back in Manhattan. Has anyone seen him recently for massage? It doesn’t look like he’s got professional training.
  4. He’s been back in nyc for a while apparently. Last comment posted on here is from 2 years ago. He however keeps getting positive reviews on rentmasseur. Has anyone seen him recently for massage? He claims to be an expert in deep tissue massage in his profile… There are a couple of older threads about him no longer active. Reviews were negative there too. BrunoMathias on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  5. He got lots of glowing reviews on rentmasseur. They look legit.
  6. I wonder if he offers 4-hand massages with his grandmother… Any takers?
  7. It looks like his studio is in the Mott Haven Houses area, east 143rd st. Anyone knows if this is a safe neighborhood at night?
  8. I’m also interested but location is an issue for me, out of the way.
  9. Glad my input help @BaronArtz Sounds like you’re both having a hot fun time together. And I sense you’re already thinking about having your way with him at The Eagle 😉👏🏻. Keep enjoying the ride!
  10. Adding my voice to sing his praises. I fully agree with the previous reviews. He gives the best full body, deep tissue, and erotic massage. Likely the best experience I ever had. Looking forward to the next.
  11. Sorry to hear your experience with Fabio was subpar,@ChelseaWest. It’s been a while since last time but I’m surprised to hear he’s no longer as muscular as in his photos. Also, I understood he did not work during weekends. P.S.: I just checked his ad. He now lists availability for the weekend. It wasn’t the case before.
  12. Interesting indeed that he shares all that with you and in so much detail. First, it’s good he’s so honest with you even though he risks losing a good client by doing so. I wonder if he secretly hopes you might take the bait and offer to go with or meet him at the Eagle to have some fun together. Perhaps he’d like to turn his relationship with you into something that occasionally goes beyond “strictly business”? Just a thought. P.S.: Regardless, given you’re very active sexually in a city like NYC you should probably talk to your doctor and at least seriously consider being on Prep.
  13. One wonders if anything ever happened between you and your uncle Phil. 🤣
  14. I bet Tucker Carlson has been posting on this thread.
  15. I thought I would try him during his visit to NYC (was he here only for one day?) but then I read this thread. Hard pass for me. Off my list. Thank you guys once again for saving me valuable time and money. This forum is gold.
  16. Someone has fallen head over heels… Wish you both great happiness 👍😜.
  17. How was the massage itself though?
  18. Thank you for this thorough and gracious review @ChelseaWest . This reinforces yet again my decision of never hiring Russian or Ukrainian masseurs. I do wonder what it is about their culture that precludes them from ever giving a good, engaged sensual massage.
  19. Thank you for the warning @Fahayek I’m very sorry you had such a terrible experience. Linking with a previous thread on this provider:
  20. This is a whole new, somewhat clever spiel. I had never heard of a provider arguing it’s ok he has a fake profile because his roommate lets him. WTF? Linking threads
  21. Following your reasoning I guess eating anything and drinking water are artificial, apparently all human activities are “artificial” for you. I guess my comment hit a nerve. I don’t have time for idiocy. Sorry everyone else. Hard to believe my joke would spark such a ridiculous debate. Has anyone actually met this provider?
  22. Wait, are we supposed to appreciate the armpits only? 🤣
  23. The point is about ARTIFICIALLY enlarging your lips with collagen in ways that make you unrecognizable. Not about naturally beautiful plump lips from a Nubian queen.
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