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Everything posted by claraschaf

  1. Honestly though... IQ is so abstract.. you can't use it to prove whether or not someone's smart. I once read about some chinese parents who paid Standford 1,5mil to get their daughter admited because she got an 60 in her IQ test? That's just dumb 1,5 mil dollars seem like lots of money and it is in the US or in any other country in the world, but not in China. Especially if you live in major cities like Beijing or such, you can't seriously expect to live a happily ever after life with 1,5 mil. In China it's a not big thing even if your kid get into Ivy League or even Harvard. https://iunajaf.edu.iq/en/ I guess that they were ashamed because their daughter didn't pass the entrance uni exam.
  2. Isn't that's just how USP works...? The exact situation happened to me once, except for the fact that I really did lose my package. I ordered a fridge for my mom's new house. Can you imagine how mad I was? I purchased it, got it delivered to my doorstep, and then I lost it just because I was a few minutes late to open the door! After this, I tried to track my package. down, but I had no luck. Now, here's the thing, I used to live in a rather bad neighborhood. The people got their stuffs stolen all the time, so nobody really bothered... And USP sent me no compensating fee.
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