Randy addresses the obvious Trump meltdown and makes the case for Garland.
okay everyone welcome back to the
january 6th hearings which will finally
determine the criminal culpability of
former fake president
donald jessica trump
now let’s go to some behind-the-scenes
dvd extras from his pre-recorded address
to the nation on january 7th
okay whenever you’re ready sweetie and
we are rolling everyone please clear
this up we’re rolling thank you okay mr
president you’re on in five you got this
three two i would like to begin by
addressing the heinous attack yesterday
sing out louise but this election is now
congress has certified the results i
don’t want to say the election’s over i
just want to say just say you’re a big
fat loser my only goal was to ensure the
integrity of the vote
i would like to begin by addressing the
heinous attack yesterday
yesterday’s a hard word for me
such a complicated word to say
when his dentures start to slip away
he’s not okay
plain to see
how he screwed with our democracy
binging big macs while he watched tv
this just stayed on
our history
lords came through they were blue
instead of
this guy
does it really take the fbi
to verify
i’m joined now by the man everyone’s
talking about attorney general garland
judy seditious conspiracy espionage bad
what the hell is it gonna take to nail
this guy
no pressure the justice department has
been doing the most wide-ranging
investigation in its history well step
on it sis cause he’s getting ready to
announce and we cannot let him be
president again
i’m running out of show tunes the
justice department has from the
beginning been moving urgently to bring
to justice everybody who’s criminally
responsible for interfering with the
peaceful transfer of power
grab the wheel and try to crash the
country history
on that awful january
when they broke into his property for
this country down the toilet yesterday
please don’t take us back to yesterday
get your together dlj and prosecute
like yesterday
we will have the evidence step on it
Words of wisdom from Randy Rainbow’s Grandmother and Alan Menken
People can be so cruel, so when they get to you…
“Forget about em.”
See the world the way you want to see it.
Find the thing you wanna be and be it.
Life can be agonizin’
Why not accessorize in…
bright pink glasses.
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