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Think of it as, Fulfilling my Make a Wish..?


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Im just going to be short sweet and to the point.  

Im a realitvley young and (so i thought) healthy young man of 36, Until I recently was diagnosed with a life changing condition.  Basically, what i was able to do physically about a year an a half ago, may never be able to be done again.  A heart issue, adn leads to mobility issues ANYWAY

I am now qualified for a home health aid that is paid through medicaid, and I am able to chose anyone  whom meets the certain qualifications.  Does anyone have any leads on some very special "home health aid" type boys that wouldnt mind coming and helping me tidy up my apartment etc etc.  


I know this is mucho illegal, but after this diagnosis, being unable to work for going on a year now, STILL waiting for my Social security disability appeal,, I have been reduced to a literall shell of my former self.  its been literally hell on earth and depression kicks in fast at about this time.. ANYWAY ... someone please tell me something good!

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16 hours ago, ant_knee said:

Im just going to be short sweet and to the point.  

Im a realitvley young and (so i thought) healthy young man of 36, Until I recently was diagnosed with a life changing condition.  Basically, what i was able to do physically about a year an a half ago, may never be able to be done again.  A heart issue, adn leads to mobility issues ANYWAY

I am now qualified for a home health aid that is paid through medicaid, and I am able to chose anyone  whom meets the certain qualifications.  Does anyone have any leads on some very special "home health aid" type boys that wouldnt mind coming and helping me tidy up my apartment etc etc.  


I know this is mucho illegal, but after this diagnosis, being unable to work for going on a year now, STILL waiting for my Social security disability appeal,, I have been reduced to a literall shell of my former self.  its been literally hell on earth and depression kicks in fast at about this time.. ANYWAY ... someone please tell me something good!

If your living arrangements permit and you live near a college or university, you might think about getting in touch with the appropriate office to explain your situation and offer free housing for a student in exchange for help with your health and housekeeping issues.    

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