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Spas in NYC

Guy Fawkes

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Tried Adam in time square spa. Definitely very cute, and thorough, but I didn’t get as much interactive time as I would have wanted. Very business-like, “let’s just do this, since we have to” kind of attitude.

Also, I asked for medium, well I am glad i didn’t ask for the strong massage option, because I would be broken.

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Tried Adam in time square spa. Definitely very cute, and thorough, but I didn’t get as much interactive time as I would have wanted. Very business-like, “let’s just do this, since we have to” kind of attitude.

Also, I asked for medium, well I am glad i didn’t ask for the strong massage option, because I would be broken.


I asked for a strong one from Adam and um.... it actually was amazing. I guess only hardcore bodybuilders would need the post-workout treatment of this kind.

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Tried Adam in time square spa. Definitely very cute, and thorough, but I didn’t get as much interactive time as I would have wanted. Very business-like, “let’s just do this, since we have to” kind of attitude.

Also, I asked for medium, well I am glad i didn’t ask for the strong massage option, because I would be broken.

Very business like doesn’t sound good! Are any of these guys actually gay? Would be nice to find a gay one.

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I went to UTOPIA today after work and went to see Victor. He’s always my go-to at Utopia but while the massage was excellent, it ended up being only 30mins. It was interactive, yeah, but I am a little upset the massage wasn’t a full hour. Anyway, on my way out, at the check out was this other guy— Latino (could be) with an earring (could be a plug?) and I thought I haven’t seen him there before. Would any of you know who he is? Thinking of booking him the next time! Thanks!

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Victor is my favorite at Utopia, and I'm very surprised that he shorted you on time. I would have asked him why. Did you? No, I don't know who the masseur at the desk was, but if I were interested, I would have asked his name right there and then, and introduced myself. I've done that, and it's not being at all disrespectful to the masseur I've just been with. They all know that we see different masseurs there. BTW, management at Utopia reads these posts, and will know that you complained (here) about Victor.

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Don’t get me wrong, Victor has been great... I always see him whenever I go to Utopia... but I really was a little upset about how short that time was. It was a great experience but overall I felt a little jipped. I was a little too shy to ask for the guy at the desk right away, especially when Victor was right there. I didn’t know how to go about asking for his name without making it feel a little awkward for Victor. BUT, as soon as I got out of the place, I went on Grindr and guess who tapped me an hour before (meaning right about the time I was getting a massage)? The same rugged guy. Is that Ariel? There was another Latino there whom I thought was Ariel... in total there were two Latinos there because I also heard them talk in Spanish... Please help LOL!

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Don’t get me wrong, Victor has been great... I always see him whenever I go to Utopia... but I really was a little upset about how short that time was. It was a great experience but overall I felt a little jipped. I was a little too shy to ask for the guy at the desk right away, especially when Victor was right there. I didn’t know how to go about asking for his name without making it feel a little awkward for Victor. BUT, as soon as I got out of the place, I went on Grindr and guess who tapped me an hour before (meaning right about the time I was getting a massage)? The same rugged guy. Is that Ariel? There was another Latino there whom I thought was Ariel... in total there were two Latinos there because I also heard them talk in Spanish... Please help LOL!

Actually they have 3 Latino. Ariel, Alex and Ben.

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