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Posts posted by BuzzBuddy

  1. Sadly, many unacceptable social expressions are learned over time. And these exhibitors may receive little to any constructive feedback to help them change course. As a client, I made a concerted effort to come to this source and to ask the "dumb" questions regarding what is appropriate or inappropriate. Your "positive" feedback has helped me adjust my perspective, and it has given me knowledge which I now share with other peer clients. The genesis of this thread will be my next sharing of wisdom. Thank you all for providing such a welcome venue.

  2. Anyone else here a vegan? How has it affected you relative to this discussion?

    As a vegan, I find that taking the time to douche is part of the price of admission to enjoying myself with my escort; as well as, in ensuring he “remains” my escort.

  3. Cruise or not, it’s only a holiday for you; he’s still working.

    Without a doubt, remembering this quote saved me from making a colossal fool of myself. And all escorts I've hired for similar excursions have negotiated extremely fairly with me because of that. This allowed me to know that I was approaching things from a "good place." If it worked out, fantastic. If not, it just wasn't meant to be and I moved on.

  4. 200 now a days is a bargain... They have the right to charge what they want but I'm not comfortable when clients bargain the way you and others do. If the price is too high I just move on.


    Btw I love to tip taking the guy out to dinner/lunch if he has time. Most of them say yes, I even told them to pick up their phone if someone texts because they're off time.

    I gladly tip for each session. And I never do it in a condescending manner. Any other gifts or signs of appreciation are separate. I don't tip out of a sense of "what can I receive from it." Tipping works for me. And based on the comments I've received afterwards, it is graciously appreciated...and is graciously remembered. :)

  5. I must tell you that when I read the name of this thread it reminded me of guys who offer trading with an escort a trip to Whole Foods, Costco, taking him to the dentist, etc. but not directly paying for his services. I know it's not what you mean obviously.

    Haha. No, afraid I’m a bit more respectful of the time and effort which is required of being an escort. Besides, the size of my balls notwithstanding, they aren’t nearly large enough that I’d walk in bragging about my idiotic schemes on how to “work” the system. I like my balls attached thank you ?

  6. Hi guys. Once again, tapping into your excellent wisdom. I can readily appreciate that Cash Is King. Yet, I have to ask if other forms of payment are accepted...or perhaps even desired? My own concern is in transacting larger amounts for extended/travel sessions. I can be mugged in the best neighborhoods before I enter into the hotel lobby. I’m open to options as well as insight into how to change my POV to continue my own evolution. As always, thanks guys ?

  7. Amazing...this just happens to be a major blip on my radar. Currently scheduling a few long range plans with my regular escort for early 2020 events requiring advance ticket purchases. He is unable to attend one event, so I suggested the option of hiring an escort only to accompany me to the event and on to dinner afterwards...no sex, just companionship for a hopefully mutually enjoyed evening. My regular is kindly arranging a shortlist of options for me to approach and inquire. If all of my investments had generated such dividends, I’d be an even happier mature man than I am. ?

  8. UPDATE... I recently completed a multi-day session with an escort. Thanks to your spot on advice, the event far exceeded my hopes. And, we are in the midst of planning another multi-day event before year end. The truly amazing thing, it just seemed to flow incredibly naturally. We did excellent pre-planning together. We established rules and boundaries regarding things like "personal time," and the nights and days flew at automatic pilot. Now that the initial trip has taken place, I am in a better position to thank you properly. Your kind help gave me back at least 20 years. Thanks much, your advice is greatly appreciated...:)

  9. Thanks so much for the feedback guys. You have no idea how valued and appreciated it is. And if I can help spread these insights among my peers, consider the dialogue as being open. Believe me, there are those of us...clients, who’d very much like to become, and be seen as being educated and considerate consumers. We’ll get there. Thanks much..:D

  10. No. Long winded texts are not productive. Your $7,000 is Monopoly money if you cannot pick up the phone and communicate the authenticity of the arrangement by a brief chat. Saves both of us time and shows me you are serious about confirming details.

    That’s why I came here... to get smarter. Unfortunately, it would seem my soliloquies were encouraged by those on the receiving end who offered me no constructive criticism to the contrary. Shame on them for perpetuating ignorance and ill will. At last, I have landed at the right spot for enlightenment, and now I know better. Thanks much...

  11. I’m fortunate to be blessed with the ability to host travel and trips with escorts. At my mature age of 61, I enjoy the planning and execution of them. I often include participation from the escort so as to make the experience more balanced and fair. I don’t like to assume, and feel a joint buy in makes everyone happy. After all, this isn’t Downton Abbey. What are things, expectations, behaviors should both sides bring to the trip in order to make the moments timeless? I ask so that I am always considered to be that “one in a million client” who partly answers the question, Why do you do this? Hopefully, seeing my sincere and grateful smile and remembering the unconditional respect and friendship you were shown will answer it. But again, I don’t want to assume. Thank you...

  12. It's is definitely plausible and I implore a practice that's both similar but very different. I like to maintain the possibility of both topping and bottoming for every session, so I like to spread my appointments out to ensure my capabilities to do so. If someone inquires for a date or time that I know my abilities might be questionable, I reply back that I am unavailable or booked for that day and either suggest a different date and time or ask them what other availability they have in their schedule.

    Thank you. Spot on. A true professional offers options. Customer service isn’t only for Apple and Microsoft.

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