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Posts posted by HarryReems4U

  1. Shortly after I turned 11, I started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons. I got my black belt about 16 months later.


    My father and uncle owned a small construction company, and one summer when I was about 14, they happened to be doing some work for a little old lady who happened to be the grandmother of one of my best friends in junior high. She had a big dog chained in her front yard.


    So as I was walking up to this house for the very first time, the dog suddenly growled and lunged at me.


    After several years of karate, all the moves had basically become reflexive; so I didn't mean to, but I kicked the dog in the head.


    After that I never had a problem with the dog. Apparently, he knew who was boss and was very friendly to me after that.


    It was like one of those Looney Tunes cartoons where the menacing bull dog turned into, "You're my best friend, aren't you, Pee Wee? Huh? Ain't cha, Pee Wee? Ain't cha my best friend? We're best buddies!"


    Anyway, I think if a big dog attacked me like on the plane, if I had the opportunity, I'd kill it right then and there. These people need to start managing their pets.


    And for that matter, they need to start managing their children as well. Once when I was at the library, a bunch of children were running around unsupervised. I told the librarian, "This might be the WalMart parking lot?"


    She found it amusing, and maybe I am being a little paranoid, but I don't know if letting children run around like that is another sign of letting heterosexuals and parental units not have to take responsibility for what they don't want to, simply because they are in the majority, to hell with anyone else's needs.

  2. I spoke to Russ today to ask him a couple questions. He thanked me for defending his 'stache.' He had a very daddy-esque tone, quietly commanding and authoritative. He is a top, but he seems like a very nice one, definitely not one of those narcissistic types. And he would be marvelous - among other things - as a dad fantasy or the aforementioned cop fantasy. He also love to read and this came through in his message because he was actually able to write clearly.

  3. Mocha,


    I think that is a good idea. Since I wrote last, I remember reading an article that porn star Chase Hunter gave shortly after he had started escorting. He said that he only sees one client per day. He also says that he sees, on average, 2-5 clients per week. He also described that 5 appointments in a week was a very big week. So, maybe taking 2-3 days off per week is good for you.

  4. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VAWzrgaYwY4/Uu8L1NQH70I/AAAAAAABkAQ/r-pEuWnR9F4/s1600/Gif%2527s-shower-kissing-naked-sex-gay-hung-smooth-hairy-hot-gay-sucking-cum-shot-jerking-fucking-bareback-sean-cody-muscel-jocks-bears-fagsmut-tumblr-2.gif






    I want to find an escort who will do a photo shoot like this for me. I have a $1500 Canon. It would be so hot.

  5. When you constantly have to live by everyone's whims, you grow old really quick. That is why people I know who have worked in the restaurant industry tell me that when you are forced to live like that, you grow old really quick. This is why in the musical, "Once Upon a Mattress," the queen admonishes her son who has just fallen for a princess that "swam across the moat" to get to the castle. The queen says, "Why, she's as vulgar as a scullery maid." (A scullery is the kitchen on a ship, and even today, ship employees work EVERY DAY. No Days Off Whatsoever. Unless they are in port.) Moreover, the word "scullion" is someone who works in a ship's kitchen. It also has the meaning of a servant who is assigned the most menial tasks, or a "low, contemptible person."


    My point is that if you were some sort of street hustler who sucked men's dicks for $20 a pop, you would act like a scullion too.


    But you're not. Maybe an escort's job description is similar, but an escort is generally at least "middle-class." And you are offering a more refined type of experience that requires a lot more savoir-faire. You need to be able to go into a five-star hotel and know how to dress and act professionally in order not to attract negative attention. You need to know how which fork to use, etc. so that you don't appear trashy and ill-bred. Some acting ability would certainly help if you do role play, and actors are not stupid; they need to have a literary sense and be able to read well. Good escorts also need social breadth and perceptivity and so many other things.


    But unfortunately, you are also black, and to me, this is another example of the politics of sexuality. I may be wrong, but it seems that black escorts often have to charge less than their white counterparts for the same services, thus opening the doors to less desirable clientele, many of whom probably assume that there are no classy, elegant black escorts out there but only black thuggish types. I hope you remind your potential clientele that you are not merely a $20 whore offering a sexual service, but an escort (even though I also believe that there are many escorts out there charging much more money than they are worth).


    But based on your ability to write actual paragraphs and string them together in a coherent manner, thus making your point, I have to assume that you have a lot of the intelligence and other qualities that a high-class escort needs.

  6. I think a lot of people would prefer to call the shots in their jobs.


    Speaking as a Buddhist, I think you should do this according to your own rhythm. There is nothing wrong with taking some time off. And I really hope that this is not a situation where you wait by the phone hoping someone alls. But I agree that you should not have to "drop everything, go without eating, scramble around like an egg," etc. and be viewed "as a servant."


    If they want someone who will slavishly please them at the drop of a hat, they need to go by a poodle.


    Or a labrador retriever.

  7. Right. But what I meant was these are the same photos being used by two different escorts, and the photo probably doesn't depict either escort. It is probably someone entirely different.


    It was just an observation that all. I am sure a lot of escorts lie about all types of things.

  8. Photo #11 on Hhermess and Photo#21 for Carlosbigd are the same. But I have seen that photo several times over the past 2-3 years on at least one, and maybe two other profiles. One I think was named Pablo from several years ago. Another may be somewhere else on the site now.


    But I don't know who the photo really belongs to, but it's kind of funny.

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