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Diego Garcia

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Posts posted by Diego Garcia

  1. This site definitely needs some IT help.


    I sorted by “near me,” then sort by distance. The list they had started with someone, according to them, 330 miles away! Then 100, then 8, then two with no locs, then 5 Miles. I mean what the heck? And when I click on the ones that are, say, 5 miles away, it’s showing Manhattan location (some 50 miles away from me).


    That's weird. I don't get anything like that? How can an advert have no location? Did you report it to them?

  2. Better new sites come instead, that’s true

    I tried that friend site.. I see that I get a Database error.. Looks pretty unsafe to me.


    Database Exception

    SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'CASE WHEN bot THEN 9 WHEN gold THEN 0 ELSE 1 END' in 'order clause'

    The SQL being executed was: SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` `user` LEFT JOIN `user_travels` `travels` ON `user`.`id` = `travels`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `profile` `profile` ON `user`.`id` = `profile`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `active_users` `active` ON (`user`.`id` = `active`.`user_id`) AND (`expires_at` > 1530522537) WHERE `visibility`=1 GROUP BY `user`.`id` ORDER BY `CASE WHEN bot THEN 9 WHEN gold THEN 0 ELSE 1 END`, `last_online` DESC, `created_at` DESC LIMIT 36

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