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Posts posted by dnlwd99

  1. Sometimes you find a guy on RM who has about 8-10 positive reviews, decent profile, nice pictures, and when you reach out, text and/or call, you get a good vibe. But if you’re anything like me, your anxious mind starts working in overdrive. If he’s got comments on here, that generally allays any concerns, but real-deal new guys struggle to break out if we’re always waiting to hear from someone else.


    I was looking to hookup with a guy who fits the above bill. Yet I was feeling still anxious. My own issues, mostly. So I reached out to some of his reviewers. It really does help a lot when someone can give you a positive endorsement when you personally ask. It does a lot to assauge fears. After I meet with the guy, I’ll be sure to report on my experience here so there’s yet another venue for folks to check.


    Apologies if something like this had been posted before. Still bears repeating, I feel.

  2. I was messaging with one of the accounts that purports to be his new official account last night. It just seemed suspicious to me. It’s unfortunate too because there was nothing on his IG that was technically pornographic.


    I’m pretty sure texting with him is not with him but with a manager too.

  3. So we had arranged to do a Skype show and I paid him the money but the connection was bad. That wasn’t either of our faults, so we just decided to do it later. I talked about doing an overnight with him later and asked if there money for the Skype show could be applied toward the downpayment. Fast forward to today and he acts like that money is his and he’s not going to do the overnight or anything else, he calls it “collateral.“ So I am out the money and got nothing. Flakey.

  4. He messaged me a few days ago telling me in extremely, extremely broken English that he “had a misfortune to me some man put a bad comment I'm now working badly.” I waded through the message and he basically wanted me to make a good review even though we never met. I had reached out to him about a week ago, his schedule didn’t match mine, and so we didn’t pursue anything further. Now this request for a positive review with never having met – “I'm now asking for help precisely to you so that you put me good comments zarla thank you in advance Thank you very much in Take Help me with put good comments than will More good comments than I can. I normally work well ahead of you the greatest thanks.”


    I’m like...ummm. No.


    I’m also happy to know that meeting him definitely wouldn’t work out because part of it for me is the communication. Clearly communicating with him would be a...challenge.

  5. Thanks, guys. Your answers made me feel better. Again, I want to do the right thing by him. I know when you go to a restaurant in Europe, a tip isn’t expected. But in the States, if you don’t tip, you’re a huge jerk. So it part of the culture. I guess I wanted to want to be an inadvertent jerk. Thanks!

  6. First, let me apologize if this thread has already been exhausted elsewhere. I did a search but didn’t find what I was looking for specifically. I apologize if it’s redundant.


    I have a weekend BFE scheduled for the middle of September. I’ve already paid for the escort’s plane ticket. He has told me a very good rate because we already have an established relationship via the Internet. I would like to treat him well and appropriately so I have been wondering what the appropriate tip is if at all. Any wisdom that anyone here has I would greatly appreciate!

  7. He misunderstood me when I was talking about being dom/bossy. Started off demanding money before going into details about what he offered and what his limits/specialties are. His profile is kind of vague after all. Then this morning he asked me if I could send the $300 because his cell phone bill is due today.

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