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Everything posted by socurious

  1. Does he have a tight pussy? I don't know about others, but I can't cum when the pussy isn't tight. I think promiscuous men tend to be less tight.
  2. Yes I do. We almost hooked up but I wasn't horny. Now I kinda regret it... Dm me if you never got it.
  3. Speaking of New York, this city hasn't been the same since the pandemic. So many ran out areas in the center of Manhattan. It also feels like every corner smells like homeless piss. I was on 34th street this morning in the west side and the odor was obnoxious. The homeless have ruined this city. (Political comment edited out.)
  4. Exactly. Their rates is what they feel they are worth afterall. We should respect that. If you don't like it just move on. I'm sure someone else will be willing to pay for the amount sooner or later. Selling sexual favors should not be compared to other services. It's a risky activity AND illegal. Not everyone is mentally prepared for that. The idea of going to bed with a stranger for money is something not many are able to digest. It can be traumatizing for many even.
  5. What country is he originally from? American?
  6. It's also that in poor societies people can occuppy state lands and built their homes out of anything in case they can't afford a house. So surely we don't have high levels of homelessness but indeed high levels of extreme poverty. Not everyone can't afford drugs and that's another critic point. Doesn't mean addiction is unexistant, though. It's just that is nothing like I see here in the States...
  7. Yes they are. However, we don't have a homeless nor an addiction problem like exists here in North America or even some parts of Europe. The mentally ill will often have family members or known individuals that will take care of them. Seeing homeless people camping in parks is SUPER rare and I'd say actually unexistant. To us, one of the most shocking aspects of American society is actually homelessness and how most don't seem to care about others. In our culture even total strangers find a way to be housed by someone in case they loose their home.
  8. He should have responded something like "Okay", or "Same", or "You too".
  9. Perhaps he misinterpretered your "Have a good day" for something else. I do agree that his response was rude though. I just think it is understandable that many of these dudes will find tiring responding to random texts from strangers that won't hire them, or time-wasters. Does his profile state he isn't into kissing?
  10. These dudes spend the whole replying to messages and often 1 out of 10 is an actual client.
  11. Yeap. And many will actually ask for nudes to block you once they get them. This happened to me a few times.
  12. Times Square itself is not so dirty. It's usually certain parts of the surroundings like 8th Avenue or sections of Broadway. You'll see many homeless on the west side of 42nd street near the Port Authority too. New York hasn't really recovered from the pandemic as we speak but these parts were never the cleanest before. Chelsea has been decay in the last five years and the pandemic made it worst. This is more obvious along 7th and 8th Avenues if you are familiar. It also sucks that Crunch 23rd st. closed. That was the gayest gym in the city. I still remember being young/horny and purposely sticking around drinking my coffee to enjoy the muscle studs passing by in the way to the gym, woof! Friends tell me the lockers there were crazy haha. Hopefully Barton is opening soon in the same building. Nice.
  13. Manhattan is huge. It's not just Midtown or Downtown. Big mistake... The filthiest area of NYC must Times Square and surroundings. I didn't get the impression Philadelphia's City center was any cleaner. There are even articles where Philly is ranked as one of dirtiest cities in the country.
  14. Philadelphia is dirty and even dirtier than New York. I was dissapointed when I visited. This was during the pandemic in 2021, though. That could be the reason. Can anybody confirm?
  15. Why ignorance? Please elaborate.
  16. Sure. But in his case he looked ambiguos enough to be seen as just biracial (this at least in Europa of course). I consider the one drop rule racist. But that's another topic.
  17. Why was he so pro-black if he looked biracial?
  18. Nobody is going to discuss which city is better?
  19. Why do Americans do so much drugs btw.? Europe doesn't seem to have the same issue (at the same levels at least?).
  20. Even the gay life in San Francisco died down compared to what it used to be in the past. Nowadays we have the drug addiction problem and the massive amount of homelessness eating up the city. It sucks because the place is gorgeous and full of history. What it always like this?
  21. Average high summer temperatures in SF are in the upper 70s according to Google. Boston summers are probably similar to NYC summers but with maybe less humidity. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Wow. Something to think about... I think some people don't like hot summer. San Francisco is the best place for those types I guess.
  23. Boston is cleaner but it's way too cold. I rather having a SF summer than a Boston winter. Heck, half of the spring and fall in Boston feels like winter. Winter there lasts like 6 months.
  24. Thanks. I've never spent a summer in San Francisco (I always assumed this season felt springful there). So I can't speak on that. I do think gay life there has moved on to L. A. from what I experienced though. But it's still quite descent in comparison to other major cities. The homelessness stereotype is a bit overblown in SF. Just avoid the Tenderloin/City Hall surroundings if you go there and you will be good.
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