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Everything posted by Nakedchi

  1. My husband did wind up connecting with him. He said it was a very fun session. He enjoyed it a great deal.
  2. It looks like the session won’t happen. Nothing because of him, just a change in our schedule, which is too bad because he looks like fun.
  3. Good to know. My husband has a session tentatively scheduled for tomorrow. He has been pretty insistent on talking via phone, which we don’t really think is necessary.
  4. Any recommendations? I realize there might already be a thread but I’m not finding anything recent with the site being closed. PMs are welcome. Thanks
  5. I saw Kevin years ago. Definitely a hot cock but didn’t seem too interested in the session. My husband saw him earlier this year and I think it cost extra to see his dick.
  6. Be careful, gentlemen. Don’t get anyone in trouble.
  7. That’s sad to hear. Hopefully things are getting back to normal there.
  8. That may have been the manager there before the current one. It did seem like there was a lot of turn over and changes while he was in charge.
  9. Do they have a male only steam or sauna?
  10. Do they have a male only steam or sauna?
  11. I’ve spent time with him in different settings. He’s a nice guy who definitely is into the “namaste” style. I’m not sure about that out rate. May be a typo.
  12. I’ve spent time with him in different settings. He’s a nice guy who definitely is into the “namaste” style. I’m not sure about that out rate. May be a typo.
  13. Mkenneth99, I sent you a PM. Would love to hear more details. Thanks
  14. Antonio has been my go to guy there for awhile.
  15. Has anyone hired Izzy? https://rentmasseur.com/ThePerfectTouch
  16. I saw his Chicago ad today too. I usually see him posted in Palm Springs.
  17. A lot of "should be in town" or "should come to town soon" listings there.
  18. Any info on Aliza? https://rentmasseur.com/Aliza/
  19. I haven’t hired him but chatted with him on Scruff a few years ago. He claims on there to be bisexual.
  20. We connected on Scruff. Massage was mentioned first but the conversation quickly moved past that.
  21. He hit me up tonight. Anyone have experience with him?
  22. Any info on him? Thanks https://rentmasseur.com/BlissfulDaniel Or SweetMaxx? https://rentmasseur.com/SweetMaxx/
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