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Posts posted by GymDaddy17

  1. Gymdaddy17 are you Anthony? You have only commented on him since you joined in April.


    No I am not Anthony, full disclosure he is the only escort I have hired and I do feel some “loyalty” when I see someone talking shit about him.


    He is a good guy. And I stand by my comments about him. But that is why I have only commented on him. I wouldn’t chime in on conversations with escorts I have never met.

  2. That summarizes it pretty well. Blah.


    So wait a minute... you originally said you Turned him away because he was to “mature looking” (btw he is 36! I was with him right after his birthday I saw the cards)


    If you turned him away because of his look you wouldn’t have had the chance to find out if he was “Blah”. Your stories don’t add up. I doubt you even met him and that’s why your trash talking him like that. Thats not what this site is for, if your mad that he wouldn’t meet you then just say that instead of spreading false stories about a nice guy.

  3. Am not reading anything into anything-I made a generalised statement about behaviour. I am a person, not a machine, I respond to texts. I also did this when I was "starting out?" Also how are we supposed to know he is starting out? And why is it difficult to respond to a text while 'handling things yourself". He is an escort, he is not the CEO of Samsung!


    “He is an escort, he is not the CEO of Samsung”


    He is not just an escort, he also has a day job and a life outside of escorting. If you took a minute to actually talk to him you would see that. And why is he required to answer text back period. It sounds like a few guys on here who have issues with rejection are throwing shade at someone who they wanted but for one reason or another it didn’t work out.

  4. So he doesnt look like his pics?


    He does look like his pictures, I can personally vouch for that because I took his current main picture for him. I hired him a few days after his birthday earlier this month.


    I have spent some time with him over the past year and a lot of the statements made in previous posts are not accurate. And if you had read his profile he even says his screening process is not based on looks! But how you answer basic questions like “tell me about yourself? And what are you looking to get into?” He says how you answer those questions says a lot about how you are going to treat him!


    I happen to like that he has enough respect for himself to not deal with some of the guys who honestly come off as kind of entitled and most likely on a power trip. Would you want to deal with that kind of a client?

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