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Posts posted by AaronInDallas

  1. -DO NOT TRY TO UPSELL. Had a masseur today shove his fat hard cock in my face (super hot) and say "it's $60 extra if you want to suck it." SO ANNOYING. Work out all that stuff before the massage starts via text or when I show up at your door. Nothing kills a mood quicker than stuff like that. It's rude. Tacky. And insulting.


    It's funny because when I read this point (which I agree with 100%) it instantly reminded me of a masseur who had used that exact same line with me. And when I went to your blog and read your reviews, it turns out that was the exact same masseur! He's nothing if he's not consistent...

  2. -STOP trying to finish 5 or 10 mins early. At that point you been at it for 50-55 mins. Just finish the last few minutes. Ending 5 mins or 10 mins early REALLY pisses me (and I imagine most clients) off. I promise you... if you get into the habit of going 5 mins OVER... you'll attract a lot more "regular" clients.


    -DO NOT TRY TO UPSELL. Had a masseur today shove his fat hard cock in my face (super hot) and say "it's $60 extra if you want to suck it." SO ANNOYING. Work out all that stuff before the massage starts via text or when I show up at your door. Nothing kills a mood quicker than stuff like that. It's rude. Tacky. And insulting.


    -Once the HE is over don't hustle me outta there. There are some masseurs (Who I'm a regular of) who have learned that after the HE... to continue with the massage for another 5 or 10 mins. It makes things so much more enjoyable. And ensures I will be back.


    Any other tips you all wanna add?

    -STOP trying to finish 5 or 10 mins early. At that point you been at it for 50-55 mins. Just finish the last few minutes. Ending 5 mins or 10 mins early REALLY pisses me (and I imagine most clients) off. I promise you... if you get into the habit of going 5 mins OVER... you'll attract a lot more "regular" clients.


    -DO NOT TRY TO UPSELL. Had a masseur today shove his fat hard cock in my face (super hot) and say "it's $60 extra if you want to suck it." SO ANNOYING. Work out all that stuff before the massage starts via text or when I show up at your door. Nothing kills a mood quicker than stuff like that. It's rude. Tacky. And insulting.


    -Once the HE is over don't hustle me outta there. There are some masseurs (Who I'm a regular of) who have learned that after the HE... to continue with the massage for another 5 or 10 mins. It makes things so much more enjoyable. And ensures I will be back.


    Any other tips you all wanna add?

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