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Posts posted by evensteven

  1. https://rentmen.eu/TaylorReignXXX


    Any feedback from anyone? Ratings are good on RM (for what that is worth), I will be in the area next weekend, and this is in my category... Thanks!




    I’ve spent time with Taylor on several occasions and absolutely enjoyed it every time. He is totally my type and he’s got serious skills. To be “fair and balanced,” I must also say that I’ve had a few aggravating last-minute cancellations etc. from him and he doesn’t always seem to be the most organized young gent. But still, I always try to reschedule because once we are actually able to get in the same room together, it’s been completely worth it. He’s a really sweet guy at heart (though he also has a mischievous side), so treat him right if you end up getting together :)

  2. Even if you assumed every single case was MSM, 20% rate would mean there are only 5.5 million MSM in the country. That's simply not credible.


    How would you know though? (unless you've had sex with millions of guys yourself?)


    Seriously though, all these #'s are just estimates, including both 20% of MSM and the 1.1 million figure. People should stop treating them as absolutes and freaking out. Yes, @twinkboylover28, it's a high percentage. Yes, it's a serious problem. Yes, people should try to be careful and take steps to protect themselves and others because it's a serious health condition, even if drugs make it manageable. But there's nothing really new here, so why get hysterical?

  3. That's 100W lightbulbs. Where the fuck did they go ? I know conservationists say they sucked too much energy, but I never thought sucking with too much energy was a bad thing...


    I love a light and bright house, and 100W bulb gives ME just the right amount of light. I took my curtains and blinds down years ago, and now enjoy my Big open windows and seeing the sky and trees outside. Its like bringing the outside in....


    40w and 60w is all you can find, and that doesnt cut it for me.... I used to buy them from EBAY, but they dried up even there.


    Whose BRIGHT idea was it to eliminate 100W bulbs ? Fuck them !


    I fear that VCRs may be next…I understand they stopped manufacturing them last year. So how will I be able to watch my old porn collection of VHS tapes? It’s truly a travesty.

  4. I cancelled a session with 4 hours notice, then received this text:


    "What? Do you know I turned down 2 other appointments during that time slot to see YOU? My time is important."


    My point is he was throwing a guilt trip on me, and I seriously doubted he had two other clients wanting that very specific hour.


    Both are 'darnedest': guilt trip and the fib


    Maybe this one should go in the “darndest things clients say” category? Or, at least a thread on why people shouldn’t make assumptions.

  5. All this talk of knowing what stocks to pick and when to buy and when to sell…I say:




    Everyone wants to think they’re smarter than the average investor, and they can cite a few examples of choices that turned out well. But markets are basically efficient, so these are more likely just lucky guesses, and over a longer sample of time, peoples’ luck runs out. Research shows that time in the market beats timing the market. http://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmoore/2016/03/07/the-myth-of-market-timing/#6a8ef9fe33ce. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/efficientmarkethypothesis.asp. So just stick to a passively managed broad-based index fund with low fees and you'll be better off in the long run.

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