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Everything posted by InterestingGuy

  1. Is there something in your profile that is making these guys reach out to you?
  2. I read the subject too quickly and thought - Who would name himself Ginge Twat?
  3. I'd hire him in a heartbeat- but his pics feels "Instagrammy" - as in "stolen from Instagram
  4. I had forgotten about that Ted Haggard story. That was a big scandal at the time.
  5. It's funny that as you age -all of the cliches about aging that older people told you as a youngster - they all come true
  6. Don't forget to get your prostate checked. Even a small enlargement of your prostate can result in lots of extra bathroom time.
  7. InterestingGuy


    He looks great - but he is a good example of one my pet peeves on RM - if you do porn, then mention it. And why not make some of the public photos nudes? Why do the porn guys get "shy" about their porn work on RM?
  8. Yep, based on those pics - he'd have to pay me for the hour.
  9. If you want to have an interesting conversation with Mike Gaite sometime - ask him about how he organizes his frequent flyer miles and hotel points. He is a smart guy - at this point, he could probably fly around the world twice - for free.
  10. Most who commit suicide often think the act will be a solution for their loved ones as well. Of course, that's not true - but when reaching those depths, the mind does not operate logically.
  11. He was an Escort and Porn Actor - He died Saturday in Chicago after going missing. https://rentmen.eu/DaveSlick http://chicago.gopride.com/news/worldfeed.cfm?gospeed=6CF3A20E8FCE70D56CB174197267DF75O188548
  12. Bump. This thread stopped last summer. Has anyone had any recent experience? @Epigonos - did you ever finally meet Julian?
  13. It's hard to believe no one has met this guy yet? Bump.
  14. Hey @DickyF - did you ever meet Peyton/Cesar? How did it go? Anyone else have a recent experience with him?
  15. Anyone have experience with: https://rentmen.eu/HotAcrobatLV His ad is "newish" - great pics
  16. I did not learn anymore @vice66 . I was hoping it was a temporary retirement and that he'd reappear in 2018. Anyone else know Dmitri?
  17. Consider this a Public Service Announcement for anyone who might hire at Disney World in Orlando. I was there for a work conference last week. I was staying at a very nice Disney Resort hotel. Even though I was not hiring an escort there, I had to email with an escort for an appointment coming up next week. After a conference meeting, I had an hour to kill before my next meeting. I sat down at a table with an umbrella at my beautiful Disney resort pool and took out my phone to catch up on email. I checked my work emails - and then I needed to send an email through Rentmen to my escort friend. When I brought up Rentmen on my phone, the internet browser on my phone told me that Rentmen was down. I tried again and the same thing happened. I first thought that FOSTA had finally resulted in the shutdown of Rentmen. I googled and found nothing to support that theory. I then thought that maybe Rentmen was just down for maintenance. Several hours later in the lobby of my hotel, I tried again - and again I could not access Rentmen. I then wondered if Rentmen specifically was being blocked for some reason. So I tried bringing up Pornhub - and it was blocked too. Then I tried Xtube and - same story. Disney was blocking my accesss to any adult websites. After dinner in my room, I tried again and I had no problem accessing the websites. I was only blocked in the public areas - at the swimming pool and in the hotel lobby. Just for fun, I tried the next day when I was standing on Main Street in front of Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom - and of course I was blocked. So for anyone who cares - if you try to use a website to access an escort in a public area at Disney World when you are there - the Mouse says NO!
  18. Has anyone met: https://rentmen.eu/Angelo_Power He has 16 5-star reviews on Rentmen- but nine of them are by the same person (Hairstylist) - so that seems like a RED FLAG. Does anyone have personal experience they can share?
  19. Anyone have experience with: https://rentmen.eu/PunkBoyBrian
  20. Anyone ever meet: https://rentmen.eu/OliverSaxonXxX
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