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Posts posted by Quinnlikesdudes

  1. Woah! Just now getting a chance to see this thread, and the slightly negative direction it seemed to have momentarily turned. Thanks, as always, for those of you who I've met with who know the real me, and know the efforts I go through to make every connection as intimate, genuine, and ENJOYABLE as possible...for BOTH parties involved! ;)


    I'm sorry that someone would ever have a negative experience; and thank you for at least telling the truth about my positive qualities too! Each of us as escorts tends to appeal to a very certain type. Generally, we don't have to 'sift out' the connections that aren't going to be strong...the first time clients are doing that for us, when they read our profiles and decide whether or not to make that first phone call, or shoot that first email.


    'Older' than expected? Too muscled or masculine? Voice that was too straight? Well, I put 35 in my profile and I sure as shit can show you a driver's license that reflects 3/10/82 as a birthdate. I'm never going to apologize for what I look like- some escorts with the more feminine or thin physiques don't have to invest one minute of time to look that way. They don't have to spend one minute shaving. They can wake up, shower (if you're lucky enough for the scrappy looking twink to do so) and boom- there they are, ready to bottom for you and the 5 other people behind you. That's not my type of client....I'm looking for educated, traveled guys with personalities who can engage me on multiple levels....and ones who I can go out in public with, enjoy museums, restaurants, hell ANYTHING with, and not have people wondering 'what type of arrangement' is that? The sheer majority of people I connect with on here, when we do something off the clock when the time ends- we don't get so much as a second glance- because they don't sound or act effeminate, *I* don't act or sound effeminate, and so on.


    Alright guys- instead of going off to split some wood to help heat my house this winter....I'm going forego any physical activity for the remainder of the year; take hormones to make my voice lighter, and I'm gonna start dancing on floats in every Pride parade from now until Southern Decadence.


    Again, everyone has their types, but the 'different' experience that you had from your 'norm' cannot be chalked up to 'naivete or stupidity' on your part, I'd view it as a better way to reaffirm what you're actually into. Almost like using ginger at a sushi restaurant to cleanse the palette in between different dishes- it'll help you further appreciate what you like really like. View it as that, versus a 'bad investment', because believe you me....I open a VEIN in my arm to please people, there'll never come a day when I'm a bad investment versus some of the absolute DISASTERS that are out there doing this...


    Change your voice!? Hell no...I like your sexy voice.

  2. Wow...I’m scheduled to see Tristan in May this year. After reading all this it’s going to feel like an eternity! We are meeting around some of the wrestling aspects, but the kissing sounds like that could just be the hilight.


    Communication wise, he’s awesome, friendly, and truly one of a kind.

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