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Everything posted by tennisjock

  1. So keep his mouth full then no problem
  2. Gavin Gavin Gavin..did I mention Gavin in every way, every angle and repeat..then Shawn :-) or the three of us
  3. Maybe he is from the land where men don't moisturize and they wear the road they traveled on their faces? he gets my engines running any legs wanting to spread :-)
  4. His face is quite handsome and the pic matches the body and face shape shown..so hopeful
  5. Bumping this to see if any response. Thanks
  6. You know how it was when we were all the new face at the bar, club etc... Everyone gets all atwitter to be with you, the new guy..... Same idea.. An interesting look for LA with his surf vibe/ film major /barista look. Kind of intriguing...I may have to take one for the team
  7. Has anyone had the pleasure of meeting him? Thanks http://HTTPS://rentmen.com/JayRiley
  8. anyome had the pleasure of meeting this guy? If you prefer to PM that's cool as well thanks http://HTTPS://rentmen.com/brazilianjockint
  9. Man Liam rubs me in all the right ways..damn!!!
  10. He does look fun and totally vers
  11. I saw Jonny a few times probably about 8 years ago in LA. He rode up on his macho bike ( -a motorcycle. For clarification) strutted into the room for a fun me do him session,. Quite nice, sweet and he knows what he is doing
  12. Thanks guys. Need to partake asap :-)
  13. I agree with traveler north. Sometimes the only way you can see these guys in their prime is to pay the going rate. I remember one Sc star ..after he left sc was like 500-1000 depending on who does what to whom
  14. And he does throw a mean weenie and gets and stays hard which is quite nice
  15. Saw him his first week he moved to LA about a year ago.would consider a repeat..as I think He just started escorting...at the time he was also getting into porn and was considering bottoming as well. He was fun energetic and I would repeat but so many to choose from here and not at 400.00 an hour
  16. anyone??? https://rentmen.com/justinjordan.
  17. Now that's a tasty mouthful indeed..now if he can just top like a champ
  18. Dutchmuch...have you seen Franco? Are all the pics of someone else or just one? He looks quite ...,impressive..
  19. anyone? Please feel free to pm if you prefer. Thanks http://HTTPS://rentmen.com/jayriley http://HTTPS://rentmen.com/francoSFO http://HTTPS://rentmen.com/roko
  20. Oops sorry AJ. I agree that this OP should spend some time with you and then you can both decide :-)
  21. AJ irons ok only top now in his sessions
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