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Posts posted by raife

  1. I'm a huge fan of The Expanse. I've read all 7 books by James S A Corey (2 final books coming out by 2019) and this show is knocking it out of the park! Steven Strait and Wes Chatham eye candy doesn't hurt a bit. The show's gotten too expensive for SyFy given the limited number of viewers who want to put up with a censored version with commercials. Since Netflix and Amazon Prime are both carrying it, the authors are optimistic that it'll get picked up and extended, they're only in book 3 so far. I pay my vote of confidence to Amazon by buying the full season in HD ahead of time for $30. Best sci fi series out right now by a mile.

  2. An excellent rejoinder from another Hollywood insider:


    The Kevin Spacey news is 0% surprising to me but still very depressing. I've been an out gay man attempting to make a career in SHOW BIZZZZ for over ten years now. Sometimes it's worked out, a lot of the time not. I've experienced many Hollywood predators in that time. Agents inviting me to their hotel rooms to "party". Allowing producers to quiz me about my sex life in meetings because "we bat for the same team, right? LOL!" An A-list director following me down the sidewalk of West Hollywood my second day living in LA and winking at me as he put money in the meter where he'd parked his Lamborghini. And the biggest question you're asking yourself: what kind of lunatic parks a Lamborghini at a meter?


    When you're gay in a business with such an anti-gay history, you are forced to believe these moments of discomfort are par for the course. You think, well, half of the casting people won't even acknowledge me because I'm gay so I guess this successful weirdo who keeps touching my leg at The Abbey is the only person with connections who can help me.


    But in the midst of this predatory dam breaking and internet pile on, I think it's important that we remind people that the majority of gay men in Hollywood are NOT predators. There are incredibly kind, good hearted gay men out there who actually DO want to help each other move forward. The Kevin's of the world are NOT our community. But on that note: until executives, producers, and casting directors celebrate those people and give them the opportunities they deserve, predators like Spacey will continue to misrepresent a remarkably supportive community of good people.


    Hollywood, do better.

  3. RE: Gas Prices, Hmmmmmmmm


    Dude, you psyched me out completely! :o Before I caught the date of these posts (2001) I was thinking What planet are these guys on?


    *whistles Twilight Zone theme*


    Anyway here in La-La we've been at $2.20 for a while and slowly dropping (I paid $2.03 for regular @ ARCO this morning and was grateful...)



  4. Hi Daddy,


    Is there any technical facility in this DCForum+ software for the lowly unsuspecting user to do a little plonk with a bozo filter and ignore said trolls? Their endless piteous screeching, moaning and yowling can grate one's remaining nerve and make this a somewhat less pleasurable oasis of sanity to loll and linger.


    -R :-)

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