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Posts posted by ErieBear

  1. I do need to clarify that I have hired before. But honestly, I've struggled relaxing and just enjoying things when I was having sex. Thus, the question. I need someone who can take time and be patient with me, even when I'm "screwing things up", and also allowing things to go at my speed and not theirs. Not all escorts have that level of patience.


    Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

  2. It really does depend on what the client wants. There are so many- Tyger- Portland, Raul Manzo-Chicago,David SF, Arek-NYC, Andrew Justice-Chicago, Ray Stone-NYC, Ace Banner-Atlanta, Shay Michaels-Portland

    I've personally vetted all of the above.


    Someone I think would be incredible but unfortunately I have no personal experience with -Nate SF. I'm sorry our paths haven't crossed.


    But again- it depends on what you want. Most of these guys are mature, non-twink, muscular guys who are versatile.




    Mature, non-twink, muscular guys are definitely my type! LOL.


    Thanks everyone!

  3. If you wanted to recommend someone who would help a newbie learn to relax and really ENJOY the physical aspects of sex, who would you recommend? Specifically, someone who is patient enough to help someone learn what they like and don't like.

  4. Can I just say that I really, really appreciate this thread? As a redhead, i always hated myself as a kid because all the hot guys/models/jocks had either black or blond hair. Only now am I realizing that redheads can be good looking as well.

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