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  1. I concur: this is definitely not Jay Anthony, looks nothing like him.
  2. My favorite so far, Patriots. Excellent acting, smart play, consistent and beautifully produced and directed.
  3. Didn't last beyond episode 3. Copied all the greats - LA Confidential, Chinatown - but simply felt silly and boring.
  4. If he's Victor now, does that mean he was Victoria before? Sorry, couldn't help it . . .
  5. scrtlovr

    NYC Newbies

    For a much clearer view: JayFit on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com Would also love to hear more definitive opinion.
  6. I think that to make a Mame revival successful you need a mega movie star (Broadway stars simply wouldn't be enough to bring a wide audience in) someone like Meryl Streep? and then you need a gimmick to give it the face lift it needs - Charles Bush or Ru Paul for Vera Charles?
  7. Beautiful, intimate, touching film about coming of age/coming to terms like only the French know how to do. On Prime Video, omly 99c to rent. How come Europeans tend to make films like that so much better than us? They know how to be touching and even sentimental without being cheesy. Highly recommend!
  8. I don't think you are. If you look for a restaurant on open table and search by neighborhood, Times Square area is still referred to as theater district, so there 🙂
  9. Very hot. Would also love to know.
  10. Hi everone, Has anyone hired this hot looking stud? RickyWolff - Pornstar Performer, Rentboy, Gay Massage in New York City, NY | RentMen RENTMEN.EU Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in New York City, NY - RickyWolff: Ricky Wolff He looks like he could be my type but without a face pic. or a review, I'm reluctant to try. Any feedback?
  11. scrtlovr


    Like for a colonoscopy, I'd need to be sedated for that one 😱.
  12. Any info? He looks quite sexy. Divvorro on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  13. Body is hot but more the body of a 48 year old than 38. Personally I don't mind since I only enjoy "mature" providers but without a face pic, no go.
  14. Don't know what type of men you like, but if like me, you like built, mature, hairy guys, I highly recommend Rego - Pornstar Performer, Rentboy, Gay Massage in London, United Kingdom | RentMen RENTMEN.EU Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in London, United Kingdom - Rego: VIP FUN EXPERIENCE! Very sexy and friendly man, seems to be quite versatile. Good kisser, good top, I suspect he'd make a good bottom too (we didn't go there). Just all around a very pleasant experience. Good luck!
  15. Like so many of these mini series, it stretches endlessly. This was definitely not worth 6 episodes, 4 would have plenty and far more effective. Other than the pleasure of seeing these actresses do some good work and some cool set and costume designs, like most of Ryan Murphy's stuff, it's paper thin. But I did enjoy 2 or 3 of the 6 episodes for sure.
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