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Posts posted by SpunFun

  1. Yeah, this is the guy who was staying at a friends house for maybe over a week. I think hes from Cali. Well after coming with NOTHING but the clothes on his back this dude kept saying he was waiting for his tax returns to hit his bank account  my bud spent mad loot on him. Like feeding him, If he needed money to do shit, apparently this guy can put away ""substances"" as well so he paid for that thinking he would be reimbursed...bought the kid two airplain tickets. Apparently they knew one another for a year or more so he trusted the guy. Well.....dude ended up taking my bros phone in his sleep used his face recog. to open the phone and jacked like 2 grand then BOUNCED and went to Denver! He also has a record of doing this. I looked him up and he did the same thing in 2020 and got arrested.


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