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Everything posted by Nodakman

  1. Please tell me some one can confirm this hot guy!!!https://rent.men/Alessandrovero
  2. https://rent.men/Eddiejay anyone confirm this guy? Thanks!!
  3. Anyone? Thinking I should meet him in 2 weeks…
  4. Met him this weekend… this man is a dream!
  5. Any experiences? https://rent.men/Hungtoplkn
  6. Any confirmations on this guy? https://rent.men/xRhysRipleyX
  7. https://rent.men/NickStefano#rmotd any personal experiences?
  8. I was just going to ask the same…. Hot guy!
  9. Anyone meet up with Kevin?https://rent.men/Kevinxxll
  10. Any encounters out there? Lol
  11. Looking if anyone has had experience with Carby…. A newer profile with no reviews. https://rent.men/Carby_Mex
  12. Appreciate you commenting. Have you been back for round 2 @Just Sayin?
  13. Did you end up meeting? Love his profile!
  14. Checking if anyone has had a chance to meet up with him … a newer profile.https://rent.men/max_otter
  15. Bump- any updates out there?
  16. You all are lifesavers for us newbies!!!
  17. I am new to this site and I was hoping to get some info on this guy! Glad I found this post before creating a new one. Ang specifics you would like to share?
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