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Posts posted by wab678

  1. On 7/14/2020 at 12:59 PM, Gar1eth said:


    You might have felt differently if you had been bald at 28 as I was.



    I can completely relate. 

    On 7/13/2020 at 2:41 PM, dbar123 said:

    If you're going bald or grey or whatever, own it and enjoy it.


    At 66 I am finally losing my hair and don't mind shaving it off.

    You're 66, which is why you don't mind. Imagine going bald in your teens, 20s, or even your 30s.

  2. On 8/2/2020 at 5:15 PM, Luv2play said:

    I started going bald on the top back of my head around 25, much like my father, and like him it ended there. The front and sides remained thick and to this day almost 50 years later remain so, maybe a bit thinner on top but not noticeable. When I look in the mirror, I see a full head of hair. From the back, when I look in two mirrors, I see baldness. But I rarely look and couldn’t give a fig. I enjoy escorts who are either hirsute or bald or partially bald. It’s what is below the belt that counts for me. I had a few encounters with an escort a couple of years ago who was around 27. His hair was starting to thin and he was very self conscious about it. The first time he came to my house he kept his woolen tuque on until we got into bed. I thought he was very sexy. But he later went to Turkey with some of my money lol to get a hair transplant (this was in 2018). Haven’t seen him since as his ad was removed from RM although I have his e-mail. We’ve corresponded since but it seems his girlfriend didn’t approve of his sideline business and I think it was just to get the money for the transplant.

    I'm thinning, can't grow facial hair, AND I'm just average below the belt. Definitely a winning combo. 

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