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Posts posted by kpvenice

  1. I think many of us have wanted to try it over the years but that same libido crash after we cum immediately kills it. I managed it a couple of times when I hadn't cum for several days and was edging and sometimes you get to that point where you just about ejaculate but back off at the last minute. A decent amount of cum still spills out. But since I still didn't have that orgasm-to-completion, I found that I was sitting there with a handful of cum and still interested in swallowing it. 

    Having said that, I've never really purposely set out to do it after having it happen accidentally those couple of times. I think maybe because I also had a couple of instances where I stopped edging before the full orgasm, had a handful of cum but then was not interested. There must be some razor thin line between tripping that libido shutdown "mechanism" in our brains and not triggering it. No idea. But, maybe something for a few of you to try and see if it works for you. 

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