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Posts posted by CJ

  1. >I came home this evening to find my kitchen table missing-

    >absolutely vanished, into thin air! If this is not proof that

    >that infernal machine has already caused micro black holes

    >which are AS WE SPEAK floating around, swallowing up furniture

    >& stuff, then I don't know what is. We are all doomed,

    >DOOMED! Someone must invade France at once and stop this

    >Weapon of Mass Destruction! Did you hear me George? It's a

    >WMD! Get it, George! Get it!


    >oh... will this tirade cause this whole thread to be moved to

    >the politics forum? Talk about Black Holes...



    >La Trix


    Monsieur Trix,


    Are the House of Representatives still serving 'Freedom Fries' and 'Freedom Toast'??? I thought they took that off the menu already? :-)


    Besides Americans have a love affair with France. I can't walk the streets of Paris without hearing a Californian, Deep-South or New Yorker accent.



  2. >I was just trying to inject a little humor on the topic as

    >other's have done. I am certainly no scientist. My first

    >instinct was to use the phrase "the world did not

    >implode" which would have been more like "sucked

    >in" and not really "blow up" or explode. You

    >are right, they did not collide this time on the first trial,

    >but a few protons will when they fire them off at the same

    >time in opposite directions in a few months. So I guess the

    >planet is safe until then :-) So everyone go out and hire lots

    >of escorts and have lots of sex before the end of the world!

    >just kidding, I am pretty sure if Hawkings thinks it's safe,

    >then we can all relax.


    Apologies if I caused and offence Curious 2000 :-).


    Some would argue that human beings are nothing more than modern savage animals, but it’s our unique ability to reason that separates us from other animals. Most importantly it has enabled us to question our very own existence. What, when, why, who, where, and how. I think that these six ‘Ws’ have enabled mankind to ask some of the most pertinent questions about the universe:


    What caused the universe to come into creation?

    When did the universe come to creation?

    Who created it?

    Where was it created?

    Why do large-scale physic theories do not apply to small-scale physics and vice-versa?

    How was the universe created?


    ‘The goal of particle physics is to understand the universe in which we live. We want to know why things are the way they are, how they work what everything is, we want to understand.’

    Prof Alvaro de Rujula



    I cannot stress the importance of this experiment enough; this is the search for ‘G-d’ for scientists. The stakes are high; if the experiment doesn’t produce the Higgs-boson particles then a whole new theory for physics would have to be written. It’s a strange fact that as modern day technology advances; it’s creating more questions rather than answering them.


    Some people say that the LHC was a total waste of money (about $10 billion) and could have been better used. I say what better way to use this money than to answer the most profound questions about our universe and existence?


    I think the YouTube video is a wonderful introduction to the work being done at CERN. It is a clear and concise explanation about particle physics and also elucidates on what is trying to be achieved.


    Sorry if I babbling on, call me a ‘Geeky Escort’! There’s nothing sexier than a man who can talk science after a great session in the sack!



  3. >Well, they fired off the protons and they collided and we are

    >all still here. Glad the world did not blow up







    A gentle correction, I live 988km from CERN and I am still breathing. The LHC was activated today and protons were fired in opposite directions but they DIDN'T collide.


    'Blow-up' is possibly the wrong statement, as if events did go wrong in Geneva, mini black holes would be created and we'll all be 'sucked in'.


    According to Professor Stephen Hawking, if the scenario of mini black-holes being created in the LHC did occur, they would all evaporate instantly anyway. He’s a person you can trust when it comes to scientific opinions in regards to black holes; it’s been his lifetime's work.



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