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Everything posted by LookingAround

  1. Gets annoying to you but not to me and probably not to others. Short answer is he had a meth breakdown and burned a lot of bridges. Bragged about using meth.
  2. Double entendre aside, truer words were never spoken I’m sure.
  3. Texting only. Never even occurred to me to email them.
  4. Betcha have quite the 8 track collection too
  5. Lol are people really serious when speaking about DVD’s or are you kidding.
  6. Either not enough bookings to make it worth it or he got the quick cash he needed.
  7. Killian was very vocal at one time almost prep shaming and touting condoms as the only approach. He gave lengthy descriptions of very undesirable side effects he listed being on prep and dismissed it. Said he stopped taking it and that condoms were the only way. Next thing I know he’s bb all the time. Go figure.
  8. Um who is the “he” to whom you are referring? Link?
  9. In other words he’s broke and back haha
  10. Any recommendations for a somewhat younger guy? Jake is great but he’s pushing 50 now which for me is a bit long in the tooth (I realize not for everybody).
  11. All I can say is that with me he always gives me a HE. 100% of the time and I’ve seen him for years. No idea about others’ experiences.
  12. I’m 61 and this daddy needs all the viagra he can get.
  13. I’m hating your comments not the guy.
  14. Please allow me to express my own feelings as you don’t speak for me. Maybe you subconsciously hate the attention he gets and you can’t stand it and therefore are projecting onto me. I’m quite capable of knowing and speaking for my own emotions. (Yes I’m a psychologist).
  15. Nah. Reporting factually what happened and pissed that he stood me up. That’s not hating that’s having normal feelings to rude behavior.
  16. You understand I’m not a hater. Tried to hire him TWICE and told him I might be a regular and he no showed twice. If that’s how he treats his friends ...
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