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Posts posted by AZNBoyNYC

  1. On 8/10/2022 at 3:09 PM, boredboy96 said:

    OP here. I canceled before our meeting saying that another firm decided to take the case the night before. I only spoke to the secretary and she seemed to want to be anywhere but work anyway so it worked out. 

    He does not have an ad, it is just word of mouth from existing clientele. 

    Also, I do know of two other lawyers who are escorts. One quit law and does videos, the other has a solo practice I think. 

    You made a very good choice and very ethical in your action. By withdrawing from this potential conflict of interest, you not only help yourself out of a potential issue but also help the escort too, it is a win-win situation and perhaps you can decide to continue with his service while engaging other law firm for your main business. 

  2. On 8/15/2022 at 12:57 PM, Pittlookalike said:

    Excuse my naivete.  While I’m hiv negative, I’ve never taken prep or pep as I’ve not engaged in unsafe sex.  But I’m about to have planned unprotected intercourse.  So i want to take prep and pep.  Some questions:

    1.  What amount of time (days) before my unprotected sex, do i start prep?   And for what amount of time after my unprotected sex do i continue to take prep?

    2. I also want to take pep after the unprotected sex.  Any harm to taking both prep and pep?   For what amount of time after unprotected sex do i take pep?

    3  prep and pep are just generic terms for the type of pills, correct?   What prep and pep pills are recommended?


    thx much


    1. You need to take the daily PreP for about 2 weeks before unprotected sex to provide adequate protection. You need to continue the PreP for at least 2 more weeks to be on the safer side provided you do not have unprotected sex after the first encounter. There is a new kind of PreP that requires only an injection every 2 months and they claim to have better protection. However, you need to get your insurance approve for it which can be tricky for some plan.

    2. PEP is only for exposure with high risk (being bottom and unprotected), the side effects can be quite bad and you need to continue the completion course of the PEP which is a few weeks. If you already take PreP, the doc at emergency department will not recommend you do PEP.

    3. PreP currently has 3 options: For daily pills you will have Truvada or Descovy (or their generic versions). Descovy is newer and is claimed to have less side effects and impact to liver, however it is also more expensive as there is no generic version yet. Most insurance plan will approve Descovy if you doc submit a request. For injection, the brand is Aperture, it is very expensive and most insurance plan only approve it if you are high risk (have multiple unprotected partners etc) but it only needs 1 injection monthly for first 2 times and then 1 injection every 2 months after that. The major side effect for the injection is pain at injection site but many feel it is much better trade off than taking a pill daily. 

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